Donations needed for our School Garden

Longmont Estates has started the process of building a beautiful Learning Garden that we will use to engage our students in inquiry-based and hands-on learning in an outdoor classroom setting. Through this wonderful space, students will benefit from exposure to a natural, outdoor learning environment and gain an understanding of where their food comes from. Students will be able to identify and experience different fruits and vegetables and learn to make healthy life-long choices. 

We are committed to making sure we have all of the necessary materials so that our students have the best learning opportunities we can offer them, but we can only do so much without the support of the community. 

Would you please consider donating any of the following items to help us jump start our garden project?: 

Watering cans
Garden Gloves (Kid sized and adult sized)
Garden Tools (Kid sized and adult sized) 
Knee Pads
Please turn in donations to the front office by Thursday, May 16th
Thank you for your consideration!

Longmont Estates Elementary School