Gifted and Talented

Each year elementary and middle schools in the St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may therefore qualify for gifted educational services.

These students usually:

  • Perform academically at least two years above grade level
  • Display readiness for very advanced or accelerated learning opportunities 
  • Require additional academic challenges to support their continued educational growth
  • Demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and higher level thinking

The identification process begins with an opportunity for parents and/or teachers to refer students for gifted services. Once nominations are received, students are evaluated over a period of time. Performance in classroom settings, state testing data, standardized test scores, and behavioral rating scales are periodically reviewed. Students may also take additional tests to help determine their ability or achievement during the identification process.

Students qualify for gifted servies when they score in the 95th percentile in each of the three catagories which include: cognitive ability, behavioral/learning characteristics and achievement, as measured with tools approved by the Colorado Department of Education and the district Gifted/Talented Department. If a student qualifies for gifted education services, the parents/teachers will be notified by letter and an Advanced Learning Plan will be developed to meet the child’s unique educational needs.

If you believe that your child/student demonstrates exceptional ability and would like to pursue identification for gifted services or if you have any questions, please contact us at 720-652-8101.

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